The Path to Greatness
the path of everybody’s life
The Path to Greatness can be used by:
INDIVIDUALS to have a great life.
FAMILIES to raise great children.
ORGANIZATIONS to build a great team.
The Path to Greatness came from a 25-year odyssey I took visiting over 700 schools and getting a bird’s eye view of education, then researching the lives of hundreds of great people to discover the common steps of their success.
0. Born
If you have been born, you are on this path.
1. Baby
A baby learns by looking and comparing.
2. Walker
After a year a child learns to stand, move around and control their body.
3. Talker
They begin to talk and acquire the basic values that will be the guides of their life.
4. Reader
By learning to read, they expand their horizons beyond the reach of their hand.
5. Vocabulary
A person’s success in life is determined by the size of their vocab.
It will determine their status in life and their income.
A powerful vocab gives a person a voice and the ability to determine the course of their life.
6. Knowledge
Vocab throws open wide the gates to knowledge.
7. Competence
Knowledge leads to skills, which practiced, get results, achieving competence.
8. Expression
Vocab, knowledge and competence gives a person the confidence to express themself.
9. Vocation
They can then announce their vocation – calling in life, special ability, dream job.
If you don’t choose a vocation you will end up with a job.
A job is doing something you hate. A vocation is doing something you love.
10. Opportunity
They need an opportunity to get into their vocation.
11. Apprenticeship
They need to learn the skills of their vocation under the guidance of a master(s).
12. Craftsperson
They practice the craft by making a living at it.
13. Master
If they keep learning, in time they acquire the breadth of knowledge to make them a master.
14. Leader
By mastering the area, they naturally become a leader in it.
15. Greatness
If they don’t get carried away by status and lead for the benefit of others, they become great.
16. Legend
If they do this over a long period of time, they become a legend.